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Friday, October 12, 2007

I Might Need a Shower

I am not sure, but today is the fourth day that I have not spoken with anyone except over the phone. I don't really mind, I mostly get the 'your an idiot' look from people I talk to down here anyway. I know if you are reading this you either know me or BJ or we liked you enough to give you a sticker, so you probably know the look. The look I am refferring to is the one where you are talking to someone who has no idea what you are saying because they:

1. speaka no ingles
B. can't comprehend your dialect
Third. can't grasp the concepts leaving your cake holster

However, despite which one of the three reasons listed, when you look into their eyes you can tell that inside their head you are definitely an Idiot.

So anyway, back to my point, I haven't talked to anyone in four days. Now this is not completely true I have talked to 4 people, and this is their stories. Meet Bobo, or Bobbo, I don't care how you spell it I am fairly certain he will never and has never touched a computer. Bobo is a homeless guy, very friendly with bad teeth, I saw Bobo walking down the road (opposite side of myself) before I took a rest stop. then after I ate a couple peanut butter sandwiches he came walking back by me and decided to stop and chat. He was smoking a joint and drinking beer out of an old Taco Bell cup. My kind of homeless guy. He told me all I needed to know about the area, where to set up my hobo camp, what areas the cops steal all your hobo stuff at, and what shelters I could get free meals at. He even gave ME a cold beer... yes cold, he somehow had a magically cold beer producing hobo knapsack. the only problem is that I am not homeless Bobo, I just didn't have the heart to tell him that.

Next I meet Steve, same thing happens, no cold beer. Steve did want to know if I got high though, i said no and then he tried to sell me pot... Hey Steve what did you want to get high on if it wasn't weed???

The next two travelers came as a pair, I didn't catch their names, but one had black teeth. They were walkers who met at a truck stop, and I get the feeling they were not walking intentionally.

Now I'm no dummy and I can spot a trend when I am involved in one... obviously if the homeless people think I am one of them the homed (not a real word) people do too!

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